Best automobile gun safes

Get to learn everything about the best automobile gun safes in the world. They’ll keep your protection gun safe and free from the hands of undesired users or thieves. They are the best choice for those who regularly carry concealed weapons on the go. If you are one, then you best know that it is illegal to mishandle your gun. Your gun is under your care and responsibility. If you mishandle it and it ends up in the hands of thieves, you can be sure that they’ll do more harm than good. Consequently, you’ll have to answer for this careless before the law. It could still be that your gun ends up in the hands of children. This is not something worth thinking because the outcomes are catastrophic. However, if proper measures are taken like going for a gun safe, you won’t experience such.
Another person could just say “Why purchase a car gun safe when i can move around with my concealed gun unnoticed”. Might be you are not aware but there are lots of structures that do not accept firearms within their premises. A few of these structures are schools, banks, and Churches. With this in mind, are you ready to take the risk of leaving your precious gun in an unsafe car? What if on returning you notice that it has been stolen? How will you explain this to the forces of order? Worth noting here is that, moving around with an unprotected arm can lead to lots of penalties from the law. No matter how you hide it on yourself, the chances that someone catches a glimpse of it is quite high. So why take such a risk when you can simply purchase one of the Best automobile gun safes.
Best automobile gun safes: Everything you need to know
Why you need a car gun safe?
Respect the law
Movement with a firearm is not as simple as you might think. There are laws governing circulation with firearms. However, these laws vary from one state to another. That’s why we’ll advice you to find out about these laws in your local state. This will help you to remain in conformity with the law. In addition, it will also prevent you from being strike by the law with heavy penalties. Worth noting here is that most states prohibit firearms in structures like Churches, schools, and federal buildings. Playing the stubborn and getting into these places with your gun will end up costing you much than what you would have used in purchasing a safe. With this in mind, it will be wise to purchase one of the best car gun safes within which you can safely allow your gun in the car.
Interstate travels
For those who regularly travel from one state to another, it is unto their advantage to purchase a car gun safe. This is because it is forbidden by the law to travel with guns beneath the car seat. It is also forbidden to hide guns in the glove compartment. And as a result, if you are caught along the way by some cops with your gun in any of these places, it won’t turn be unto your advantage. In short, you won’t appreciate their reactions as well as legal actions. This is aimed at encouraging you to keep your gun in a safe place which can not easily and instantly be accessible by everyone. And for this purpose, there is no option than a pretty nice car gun safe.
Prevent theft
No one is responsible for your gun’s actions apart from you. That’s why you must do everything to keep it safe and free from the hands of children, undesired users, and thieves. Surely, you’ll answer before the law should in case your gun is stolen and used in committing a horrific act. The whole truth is that you won’t appreciate the heavy legal penalties that will be laid on you. With this in mind, you can’t just step out of your car and leave the gun under a car seat or in the glove compartment. Doing this will allow even the inexperienced burglar to make a way with your gun. Carelessly keeping your gun in the car and getting distracted can allow space for your children to get in touch with it. The outcomes could turn to be more horrible than a thieve stealing it. You’ll be held responsible.
Protect other valuables
Yes, we agree with you that gun safes are made for the protection of guns. But this does not prevent them from protecting any other valuable that can snugly fit withing it. Besides assuring the safety of a gun, it also protects and preserves our phone, passport, money, and jewelry. Many have had these valuable items stolen from within their cars. And for sure you won’t want to leave them behind to go make some errands just to realize on returning that they’ve been stolen. That’s why purchasing one of the best automobile gun safes is something worth doing without hesitation.
Carrying your gun oversea
It is prohibited to carry firearms on the plane. This holds no matter how important you are and where you are going. Nevertheless, there is a way out. With a TSA certified gun safe, you can carefully pack your gun in the checked luggage. Thus, you’ll be able to go wherever you want to with your gun. No body will worry you as long as it is stored in a safe that can’t be easily accessed by anyone apart from you.
Things to look for in the best car gun safes
Making a successful purchase has to do with properly informing yourself in advance. No one would love to purchase a gun safe just to realize after few months that it is not what they really wanted. In order to avoid such situations, continuously unfold our writing as we present to you the things to consider before purchasing a gun safe. This will help to keep you away from error.
What makes a car gun safe is its compact size. This is definitely one of the most important point which you must take serious. There is not enough space in your vehicle and for sure you won’t want to go for a safe that is too large. Too large will make it difficult for you to discretely store it in your vehicle without it necessarily catching the attention of those that enter your vehicle. You won’t also want to go for a car gun safe that is too small to snugly fit your gun. That’s why you must take this point serious. Always take into consideration the size of your gun before purchasing a car gun safe. If you have a small gun, then it is needless to purchase a large gun safe. This will only occupy space in your vehicle for nothing.
Buildup and strength
We cannot talk about the qualities to look for in the best automobile gun safes without discussing on its buildup. The buildup of the safe is what reveals its strength. This factor greatly matters and worth your inspection effort. No one wants a car gun safe that can be cracked open by burglars after a series of attempts. This will lead to the loss of your important and valuable items which are difficult and costly to replace. That’s why you should do your best to inspect and be assured that the safe is made up of premium quality thick steel. For additional security, go for one that is 16GA and above. Worth noting here is that these premium quality safes can turn to cost you more. But you can be assured that they worth every penny. Going for the lower priced car gun safes leads to obtaining low quality.
Ease in mounting
In as much as you want a top vehicle gun safe, you must also make sure that it is one that can easily be mounted. There exist 2 basic was of mounting vehicle gun safes which are bolting and cable mounting. Bolting your safe to one part of the car is one of the best ways to hold the safe tight and free from thieves. Bolting turns to be more secured cable mounting. A well bolted gun safe has little to no chances of being stolen by a burglar who has tried to open it without success. It should be noted here that bolting is done only in a few strategic parts in the vehicle. Cable mounting is also a great way of holding your car’s gun safe in place and preventing it from being carried away by thieves. Cable mounting of car gun safes is very easy to setup.
Locking mechanism
This is another point which we can’t afford to take lightly when pointing out at what to look for in the best automobile gun safes. At this level, going for the most sophisticated and complex locking mechanism system is the best thing to do. The rapid advancements in technology has led to the development of many complex and sophisticated locking mechanisms from among which you an choose. Here, you are offered a variety of of choices to make. Hence, you can be sure that your gun safe will always play its role of keeping your valuable items free from the reach of burglars. However, we must also pointed out here that too complex and sophisticated might make it difficult for you to access the gun during emergency situations. Thus, when choosing a gun safe whose locking mechanism is highly secured, also make sure that you can easily access it.
This is the manufacturer’s way of displaying the quality of his product. Warranty also informs you on the extent to which you can trust the product. Best automobile gun safes generally come with a warranty which varies from one manufacturer to the other. Most of these safes come with at least 1 year warranty. However, it should also be noted that some manufacturers do not give any warranty. Whatever the case, this is not a good sign for quality. Hence, you must be careful when purchasing such.
Top sophisticated and complex locking mechanisms for the best automobile gun safes
Keyed locks
A good number of vehicle gun safes use keyed locks. While others are fabricated to use traditional keys to access, others are made to accept round modern keys. In overall, both offer the same security level which is needed to keep your gun safe and free from the hands of thieves. Accessing a car gun safe that uses the keyed lock is very simple. You just need to make use of the handy key which came with it from the manufacturer. In addition, this locking system is reliable and safe. It has be tested over and over to make sure that it meets the required high standards of quality and functionality. They rarely get jammed. Another reason why we say they are reliable is because they do not use electricity neither do they rely on batteries.
Mechanical combination locks
The mechanical combination lock is a pretty nice system which is secured enough to keep your gun safe completely locked until you decide to open it. It is highly reputed for keeping away thieves from the valuables that it contains. This system presents a lock which is sturdy and highly reliable. In addition, it also features a 3 digit lock with 1,000 possible combinations. And as a result a thief can spend several hours trying to guess the right combination without success. In short, breaking its lock is not something easy to do. The only short coming of this system is that opening it is not the easiest thing to do. Opening it can take some time.
Electronic locks
The easy access that electronic locks provide has greatly contributed to their popularity among gun safe users. Such systems can be found around the world. They are highly reliable and loved by gun safe users. They present a high degree of user-friendliness. With them, you do not need to carry a key everywhere you go or a combination. You just need to memorize your access code. And whenever need arises, you are good to go. This locking system is highly responsive in emergency situations. It won’t leave you disappointed on the way. In other words, it is highly reliable and represents the choice to go for.
Biometric locks
This is the best choice for the innovative guy. It is the top last generation of locking systems used in the best automobile gun safes. For sure, biometric locking systems are of an advanced technology but you must pay attention when purchasing them. In short, stay away from those at the lower end price. This is because they generally turn to be troublesome. And can easily fail you in the midst of an emergency. That’s why if you must use this system, then go for the premium or high quality ones which have been tested over and over to assure functionality. This system turns out to be the fastest in accessing car gun safes. With it, you do not need to memorize a code, carry a key everywhere, or memorize a combination. At the instant of emergency, you just need to press down your finger to be scanned for access.