The Naked Philanthropist: Po_rn Star Raises $1million For Australia Wildfire Victims Through Her Services
Surprisingly or in unexpected developments, an American adult entertainer, Kaylen Ward has single-handedly raised a staggering USD $1 million in a fundraising effort towards Australian Bush fires relief.
“Would you believe me if I told you we raised an estimated $1million?” announced model and self-confessed s3x worker-Kaylen Ward – who goes by the name ‘Naked Philanthropist’ on microblogging site, Twitter.
She is a living proof ‘not all heroes wear capes’ –some don’t even wear clothes.
Ward recently made waves on social media with her ingenious philanthropic enterprise in which she asked her followers to donate as little as US$10 towards Australia bushfire relief in exchange for her nude photographs.

Ward took to twitter on the 3rd of January with her initial offer: ‘$10 for a nude picture, $20 for two, and so on’ which subsequently blew up and to date, she reported has raised a million dollars. She has also officially partnered with social network OnlyFans- a niche site for adult entertainers, where she sells photos and videos, to donate 20% of her own earnings to a bushfire aid charity.
Through her crowdfunding initiative, an equivalent of GoFundMe- but only for sexually raunchy men and women thirsty to gaze on her cookie; she hopes she could inspire a lot of models to sell nudes to raise money for good causes across the globe.
However, her radical move was met with negativity and backlash from Instagram who deactivated her 50K followers IG account due to their nudity policy. More so, she claimed she has lost close friends and family and since been a victim of cyberbullying.
“……my family disowned me, and the guy I like won’t talk to me all because of that tweet. But f*ck it, save the koalas” She said.
Australian state and federal authorities have been grappling to quell the worst wildfire-possibly the worst in decades-which have already claimed a total of 24 people nationwide and destroyed thousand’s of houses on an unprecedented scale. An estimated half-billion mammals, birds, and reptiles have also been killed and the devastating death toll is expected to rise.
Wildfires have turned southeast Australia into a charred, apocalyptic nightmare as the country copes with a devastating fire season that has been exacerbated by persistent heat and drought.
The country-wide fires started in September and recently flared up following a massive heatwave that swept across the country.