Cameroon Ordinary Level GCE 2020 results shall be another show down implenting a transition of successful student to high school.
GCE means General Certificate Examination. This examination has worldwide acceptance and can be used for entry into any university in the world.
GCE exams usually take place between May and June each year in Cameroon. Generally, in Cameroon General Certificate Examinations are taken by two major sets of people.
The O Level (Ordinary Level; official title: General Certificate of Education: Ordinary Level) is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education. It was introduced in place of the School Certificate in 1951 as part of an educational reform
The Ordinary level examination is taken by candidates who have spent at least five years studing after obtaining the First School Leaving Certificate.
Students are allowed to sit in for a minimum of 4 papers which must include, English Mathematics and french.
A pass at the Ordinary Level GCE results in Cameroon is considered as a pass in at least four (4) papers.
Grades ranges from U, E, D, C, B and A with U being the lowest and A being the highes. Pass grades ranges from C to A with C implying 1 point and A implying 3 points.
A candidate can sit in for a maximum of 11 papers, thereby implying maximum points that can be obtained from the Ordinary Level GCE Results is 33 points.